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Tag Archives: Raptors
Maya – Swainson’s Hawk (Buteo swainsoni)
“Maya” is a female Swainson’s Hawk, brought to us with a broken wrist. The fracture healed, but unfortunately, the wrist fused and she is unable to fly well. Swainson’s Hawks fly one of the longest migration routes in North America, … Continue reading
Captain Jack – Sparrow Hawk (Falco sparverius)
Once known as Sparrow Hawks, we couldn’t resist naming our one-eyed Kestrel, “Captain Jack Sparrow…Hawk”. While learning how to fly, he apparently misjudged and crashed headfirst into something hard. He suffered a severe concussion and badly damaged his left eye. … Continue reading
Gaea – Red Tail Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)
“Gaea” the Red Tail Hawk was hit by a car in September 2007, and suffered a fractured shoulder. Not even a year old at the time, her bones healed quickly. But unfortunately, the healed callous that formed at the site … Continue reading