Here are the wonderful people who discounted this great tractor enough, that with a matching gift from another wonderful person, we were able to buy this amazing $19,000 tool (and all the included attachments)
for just $5000! Thanks to all of you, we raised enough money, and this sweet workhorse is ours! It’s being delivered tomorrow (October 4th), 10 am and it’s first job is to unload MORE stuff (fencing, t-posts, attachments, etc) that were also donated by the Atkinsons! THANK YOU ALL!!!! Now, it needs a name… The truck is Dhru 2, so is this Dhru 3? Tuffy? Monster? It will be used to plow snow & firelines, grade pads for new pens, rake burn piles, move equipment & supplies, move rocks, dig post holes for gates and fence, dig trenches for waterlines to the pens and public areas, hoist us up to work on roofs, and generally help get us ready to open to the public. Let us know what you think!