Category Archives: Miscellaneous

Our Little Mystery Bird

    A week or so ago we were brought a “mystery” baby bird.  The nest had been destroyed & its 3 siblings were dead.  Mom & Dad were not to be found.  So our baby bird specialist, Jen, took in … Continue reading

Injured Bird Care

Here’s some helpful info on what to do if you find an injured bird.  Good advice on baby birds, as well.  Just click on the following link:  Injured Bird Care

Thank You Klamath Basin Audubon Society!

WOOOOO-HOOOOO! HUGE THANKS to the Klamath Basin Audubon Society!!! They came through with a $2,000 grant for our x-ray machine! That brings us up to over $4,000 toward our goal of $22,000. This is a MUCH needed piece of equipment! … Continue reading