Our first intake of 2020 went home May 19th. This Golden Eagle came in the first week of January with a wing fracture after being hit by a car. She also had lead poisoning. The wing fracture required surgery (about $300) & healed beautifully, but it took FOUR rounds of chelation therapy (about $400 in reagents) to get her lead levels to undetectable. She then went through over a month of treatment for a fungal infection, Aspergellosis, common in Golden Eagles that affects their lung function. Although we have a 120 foot flight pen, in April we transferred her temporarily to Cascade Raptors in Eugene for more R&R to give her even more room to fly & build her muscles. Thank you to BRWR volunteers, Myranda & Josh, who took her to Eugene initially then brought her back yesterday for release to home territory. It took over 5 months, but she is back in the wild where she belongs.
Golden Eagle 2020-001 Wing fracture after surgical repair Huge hallux talon